Shakerag Off Season
Join us the weekend of March 7th-10th for another Shakerag Off Season! This time we're offering two workshops to choose from. Both will be held at St. Mary’s Sewanee, a retreat center located on the edge of the Cumberland Plateau in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Scroll down to learn more about the Spring Off Season workshops and register!
The Hand-Stitched Mark as “Language”
Course Description
In this beautiful weekend we will focus on hand-stitched marks that resemble, distort, illuminate, or suggest language. Using simple stitches, we will investigate marks that play with the notion of letters and words. Poetic, scribbled, happy, unhappy…this “writing” might be literal or asemic! Come with an open heart to explore, experiment, and ENJOY stitching in a new way. We will work with small, manageable, spontaneous studies on paper and cloth that can be further explored at home. The possibilities are endless!
No previous stitching experience necessary!
Artist Bio
Ilze has maintained a studio in Durango, CO for over 40 years. She has taught Art Theory and studio courses at Fort Lewis College and now travels to teach workshops at many venues including Arrowmont, Penland, Kansas City Art Institute, Shakerag, and the University of Minnesota. Ilze has degrees in Painting and Art History from the University of Kansas and Fibers (MFA) from Colorado State University. She has contributed essays and reviews to Fiberarts and Surface Design Journal, Art Textiles of the World: USA (Telos), Susan Lordi Marker (Telos Portfolio Collection), and other publications.
Ilze’s tapestries and stitched cloth are in numerous public and private collections including U.S. Embassy Riga, Kaiser Permanente and AT&T, and have been widely published. Past exhibitions include Fiberart International, Chautauqua International, Materials Hard & Soft, Enhancing the Surface, and Innovators and Legends.
You can download a CV and order Ilze’s stitching workbooks at
Tuition & Fees
- $1650 (including single room accommodations)
- $1450 (including double room accommodations)
- $1250 (off campus, no housing included)
Assembling Images: Collage Experiments
Course Description
Brilliant collage often employs two strategies: seizing the opportunities created when found images collide in unexpected ways, and understanding how materials from your life can poignantly say something about that life. As a ‘studio’ practice, collage is relatively new – it jumped from parlor pastime to fine art practice just over a century ago. This workshop will offer analog experiences using collage, some of which will be based informally in its early history (including vivid works by artists such as Hannah Höch and Max Ernst). We will cover cutting and gluing techniques, but a productive collage practice is not necessarily based in manual skills. While responding to a variety of evocative prompts, our principal goal will be experimentation, the development of personally expressive work using found imagery, and an understanding of the distinctive ways that found imagery interacts with your own, singular voice.
Artist Bio
Billy Renkl grew up in Birmingham, AL. He attended Auburn University (illustration and graphic design) and the University of South Carolina (drawing); he lives in Clarksville, TN, where he teaches resolutely analog practices at Austin Peay State University. Renkl’s work has been featured in many solo and group exhibitions, including shows in Nashville, New Orleans, New York City, Cincinnati, and Berlin, Germany. He is the illustrator of The Comfort of Crows and Late Migrations, both by Margaret Renkl, and When You Breathe by Diana Farid, among other projects. He has used collage in his work almost exclusively for about 30 (thirty!) years.
Learn more about Billy Renkl by visiting his website and his Instagram @billyrenkl.
Tuition & Fees
- $1650 (including single room accommodations)
- $1450 (including double room accommodations)
- $1250 (off campus, no housing included)
Course is full. Join the waitlist below!
Questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.
Shakerag Workshops of St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School does not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or gender.